Wie soll man DARSOMBRA am besten beschreiben? Gibt es Worte dafür? Am besten trifft es wohl “pychedelischer Spacerock mit abgefahrenen Visuals” aus Baltimore/USA.
Die Band beschreibt sich wie folgt:
Darsombra is a trans-apocalyptic galaxy rock duo from Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Known internationally for walking the line between glam-prog-psych-stoner metal and site-specific installation performance art, their hallucinogenic live audio-visual shows are often met with the following responses: “I didn’t know what to expect, but that was awesome”, “I’ve never seen anything like that before”, and “it was like tripping on acid, without the acid.”
The band has a committed DIY cottage industry ethic, self-producing their music and videos and booking their own tours globally. They bring a stadium show in a cargo van or a handful of suitcases, and have performed in 48 states and 20 countries worldwide since their inception in 2005.
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